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Parad (Mercury) Mala 8mm

पारद गुटिका माला पहनने से रक्तचाप, मधुमेह, और दमा जैसी बीमारियों में राहत मिलती है। यह माला भाग्य, धन, और सम्मान को आकर्षित करने में सहायक है।
SKU: Mala-0011
₹ 1,400.00
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The Parad (Mercury) Beads (Gutika) Mala is crafted with 8mm beads, featuring 54+1 beads (Gutika), and weighs 120 grams. Made from pure Parad (Mercury), this mala is highly revered for its healing properties and spiritual significance. Wearing this mala is believed to aid in the treatment of various diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and asthma, as it purifies the body’s energy and promotes overall well-being. In addition to its health benefits, the Parad Mala is considered a powerful charm for bringing good luck, wealth, and prosperity, along with name and fame. Ideal for those seeking a holistic approach to health and success, this mala can also enhance spiritual growth and energy flow.

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